
7-geoprocessing class: title-slide <h1 class="center middle">Geoprocessing for<br>Vectors and Rasters</h1> <h3 class="center middle"></h3> <div class="logo"></div> <div class="databird"></div> --- # Putting all the pieces together for the fun stuff --- # Meaningfully manipulating your geospatial data A three-part section: -- * Single vector layers -- * Multiple vector layers -- * Raster layers --- # There are several dozen functions in each category -- ![:imgcenterscale 75%](images/section-7/toomany.jpg) --- # The plan -- * Demonstrate some of the most important functions using a real-world, mini-analysis -- * Provide a quick demonstration of important functions that are not included in the mini-analysis --- class: center, middle # Our mini-analysis --- # What influences air quality in New York City? ![:imgcenterscale 75%](images/section-7/nyc_air.png) --- # A common air quality modeling approach -- * Collect measurements at air monitors -- * Compute road density, landuse and other variables near each monitor -- * Look at the relationship between concentrations and road density etc. --- # Start with the air quality monitors ![:imgcenterscale 50%](images/section-7/nyccas_monitor.jpg) .footnote[ [Image source](https://nyc-ehs.net/besp-report/web/nyccas) ] --- # New York City has one of the largest urban air monitoring networks in the world -- Data from the NYC Dept. of Health, New York City Community Air Survey (NYCCAS). .footnote[ More detail can be found [here](https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/data/data-sets/air-quality-nyc-community-air-survey.page). ] --- # Take a look at our air quality data PM<sub>2.5</sub> refers to particles in the air (soot) -- ```r monitors <- read_sf("monitors.gpkg") ``` -- ```r library(dplyr) glimpse(monitors) ``` ``` ## Observations: 64 ## Variables: 4 ## $ site_id <dbl> 228, 952, 2269, 2496, 2596, 2818… ## $ reference <dbl> 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,… ## $ pm25_annual <dbl> 6.473097, 6.591441, 6.107921, 5.… ## $ geom <POINT [US_survey_foot]> POINT (918300… ``` --- # Map the air quality data -- ```r tm_shape(monitors) + tm_dots("pm25_annual", size = 0.5) ``` <img src="7-geoprocessing_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Let's add a little context by mapping the counties with the monitors --- # Read the county/borough data directly from nyc.gov ```r counties <- read_sf("http://bit.ly/39MxcnC") ``` .footnote[ Data is [here](https://www1.nyc.gov/site/planning/data-maps/open-data/districts-download-metadata.page). ] --- # Here are our counties (also referred to as "boroughs") ```r tm_shape(counties) + tm_polygons() + tm_text("BoroName", size = 1) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 50%](images/section-7/counties.png) --- # Map the air quality data and the counties together -- ```r tm_shape(counties) + tm_borders() + tm_shape(monitors) + tm_dots("pm25_annual", size = 0.5) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 50%](images/section-7/counties_monitors1.png) --- # By the way, that last map worked but why doesn't this? ```r plot(st_geometry(counties)) plot(st_geometry(monitors), add = TRUE) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 60%](images/section-7/counties_plot.png) --- # CRS mismatch! -- ```r st_crs(monitors) ``` ``` ## Coordinate Reference System: ## No EPSG code ## proj4string: "+proj=lcc +lat_1=41.03333333333333 +lat_2=40.66666666666666 +lat_0=40.16666666666666 +lon_0=-74 +x_0=300000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=us-ft +no_defs" ``` -- ```r st_crs(counties) ``` ``` ## Coordinate Reference System: ## EPSG: 4326 ## proj4string: "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" ``` --- # We will use a consistent, projected CRS Long Island State Plane, EPSG 2908 -- ```r counties <- counties %>% st_transform(crs = st_crs(monitors)) ``` --- # Try the map again ```r plot(st_geometry(counties)) plot(st_geometry(monitors), add = TRUE) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 60%](images/section-7/counties_monitors2.png) --- # Introducing our candidate "predictor" variables --- # Road layer lines ```r roads <- read_sf("roads.gpkg") ``` .footnote[ Data from [here](https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policyinformation/hpms/shapefiles.cfm). ] --- # Road map ```r tm_shape(counties) + tm_borders(col = "red") + tm_shape(roads) + tm_lines(col = "grey") ``` ![:imgcenterscale 60%](images/section-7/counties_roads.png) --- # Census data (population polygons) ```r population <- read_sf("population.shp") ``` .footnote[ Data collected with {tidycensus}. ] --- # Census data map ```r tm_shape(population) + tm_polygons("population", border.col = "grey", lwd = 0.25) + tm_shape(counties, is.master = TRUE) + tm_borders(col = "red") ``` ![:imgcenterscale 50%](images/section-7/census_polys.png) --- # Land use raster ```r landuse <- raster("landuse.tif") ``` .footnote[ Data collected using {FedData}. ] --- # Land use raster map ```r plot(landuse) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 60%](images/section-7/landuse.png) --- # Canopy raster ```r canopy <- raster("canopy.tif") ``` .footnote[ Data collected using {FedData}. ] --- # Canopy raster map ```r plot(canopy) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 60%](images/section-7/canopy.png) --- # Goal: characterize areas around monitors -- * Compute road density -- * Compute distance to the nearest road -- * Compute population -- * Compute the amount of "high intensity" developed land -- * Compute average tree canopy --- class: center, middle # Single-layer geoprocessing for vectors --- # Examples of available functions ```r st_union() st_centroid() st_convex_hull() st_buffer() st_cast() st_simplify() ``` --- # Favorites that are not part of our mini-analysis... --- # Get the centroids with `st_centroid()` -- ```r cent <- st_centroid(counties) ``` -- ```r tm_shape(counties) + tm_borders() + tm_shape(cent) + tm_dots(size = 0.5, col = "red") ``` ![:imgcenterscale 50%](images/section-7/centroids.png) --- # Put a "hull" around geometries with `st_convex_hull()` -- ```r hull <- st_convex_hull(counties) ``` -- ```r tm_shape(counties) + tm_polygons() + tm_shape(hull) + tm_polygons("BoroName", alpha = 0.3) + tm_layout(frame = FALSE) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 50%](images/section-7/hull_boroughs.png) --- # Combine multiple geometries into one -- ```r # st_combine() can also be used counties_as_one <- st_union(counties) ``` -- ```r counties_as_one ``` ``` ## Geometry set for 1 feature ## geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON ## dimension: XY ## bbox: xmin: 913174.7 ymin: 120124.9 xmax: 1067382 ymax: 272847.3 ## epsg (SRID): NA ## proj4string: +proj=lcc +lat_1=41.03333333333333 +lat_2=40.66666666666666 +lat_0=40.16666666666666 +lon_0=-74 +x_0=300000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=us-ft +no_defs ``` --- # Reapply hull ```r hull <- st_convex_hull(counties_as_one) ``` ```r tm_shape(counties) + tm_polygons() + tm_shape(hull) + tm_borders(col = "orange") + tm_layout(frame = FALSE) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 50%](images/section-7/hull_one.png) --- # For the analysis of air quality the function we need is `st_buffer()` --- # Create a 500 meter buffer around the monitors Then compute, for example, road density within the buffer --- # The basic syntax is ```r st_buffer(geo, distance) ``` --- # The distance units come from the geography CRS --- # In our case this is feet ```r st_crs(monitors) ``` <div class = "remark-code-line"> ## proj4string: "+proj=lcc +lat_1=41.03333333333333 +lat_2=40.66666666666666 +lat_0=40.16666666666666 +lon_0=-74 +x_0=300000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 <span style = "color:red">+units=us-ft </span> +no_defs" </div> .footnote[ You can access this directly with: `sf:::crs_parameters(st_crs(schools))$ud_unit` ] --- # To get meters from feet multiple by 3.28 ```r monitor_buffers <- st_buffer(monitors, 500 * 3.28) ``` --- # Our monitor buffers ```r tm_shape(counties) + tm_borders() + tm_shape(monitor_buffers) + tm_polygons(col = "red") + tm_shape(monitors) + tm_dots(size = 0.1, col = "yellow") ``` ![:imgcenterscale 60%](images/section-7/centroid_buffer.png) --- # By the way, in terms of naming objects for this section Final tables will be prefixed with `monitor_` (e.g., `monitor_roads`, `monitor_canopy` etc) --- class: center, middle, doExercise # open_exercise(7) and do activities 1-3 only --- class: center, middle # Geoprocessing with multiple vector layers --- # Tons of great functions for geoprocessing with two layers ```r st_join() st_distance() st_nearest_feature() st_nearest_points() st_combine() st_intersection() st_union() st_crop() st_intersects() st_contains() st_touches() ``` --- # Some of these functions return a geometry -- ```r st_join() st_nearest_points() st_combine() st_intersection() st_union() st_crop() ``` --- # And some return an object describing relationships -- ```r st_intersects() st_contains() st_touches() st_crosses() st_distance() st_nearest_feature() ``` --- # Examples of functions that return a geometry --- # For illustration, start with two rectangles ```r plot(polys, border = "grey") plot(st_geometry(poly1), add = TRUE, border = "red") plot(st_geometry(poly2), add = TRUE, border = "blue") ``` ![:imgcenterscale 50%](images/section-7/twopolys.png) --- # Combine multiple geometries into one, dissolved, geometry with `st_union()` -- ```r union <- st_union(poly1, poly2) ``` -- ```r plot(polys, border = "grey") plot(st_geometry(union), add = TRUE, col = "red", lwd = 2) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 35%](images/section-7/unioned_polys.png) --- # Compute the intersection between geometries with `st_intersection()` -- ```r intersection <- st_intersection(poly1, poly2) ``` -- ```r plot(polys, border = "grey") plot(st_geometry(intersection), add = TRUE, col = "red") ``` ![:imgcenterscale 35%](images/section-7/intersect_polys.png) --- # And `st_sym_difference()` will give you the opposite -- ```r sym_diff <- st_sym_difference(poly1, poly2) ``` -- ```r plot(polys, border = "grey") plot(st_geometry(sym_diff), add = TRUE, col = "red") ``` ![:imgcenterscale 35%](images/section-7/sym_diff.png) --- # Examples of functions that return an object describing relationships ```r st_intersects() st_contains() st_touches() st_crosses() st_distance() st_nearest_feature() ``` --- # You can find visual descriptions of the relationships... [Here](http://postgis.net/workshops/postgis-intro/spatial_relationships.html) or [here](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sf/vignettes/sf3.html). ![:imgcenterscale 75%](images/section-7/st_crosses.png) --- # For our examples, we'll use two objects * An {sf} object with four polygons (`poly`) * An {sf} object with one line (`line`) <img src="7-geoprocessing_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-54-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Most of these functions can return either a ... -- A sparse index list or -- A dense logical matrix --- # These are called "binary logical operations" ```r st_intersects() st_touches() st_crosses() st_within() st_contains() st_overlaps() # And more! ``` --- # Back to our example geometries <img src="7-geoprocessing_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-56-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Test if features cross with `st_crosses()` -- ```r st_crosses(line, poly) ``` -- ``` ## Sparse geometry binary predicate list of length 1, where the predicate was `crosses' ## 1: 1, 2, 4 ``` -- ```r st_crosses(poly, line) ``` -- ``` ## Sparse geometry binary predicate list of length 4, where the predicate was `crosses' ## 1: 1 ## 2: 1 ## 3: (empty) ## 4: 1 ``` --- # Test if the features intersect with `st_intersects()` --- # By the way, note... * `st_intersection()` returns a geometry * `st_intersects()` returns an object of relationships --- # Test if the features intersect with `st_intersects()` -- ```r st_intersects(line, poly) ``` -- ``` ## Sparse geometry binary predicate list of length 1, where the predicate was `intersects' ## 1: 1, 2, 4 ``` -- ```r st_intersects(poly, line) ``` -- ``` ## Sparse geometry binary predicate list of length 4, where the predicate was `intersects' ## 1: 1 ## 2: 1 ## 3: (empty) ## 4: 1 ``` --- # Let's make this a little more interesting with the roads and population ```r road_pop_index <- st_intersects(roads, population) ``` --- # The default for these functions is to return a sparse list -- ```r road_pop_index ``` ``` ## Sparse geometry binary predicate list of length 21464, where the predicate was `intersects' ## first 10 elements: ## 1: 6454, 6457, 6458, 6467, 6468 ## 2: 1526 ## 3: 968 ## 4: 1999 ## 5: 3195 ## 6: 1526 ## 7: 6368 ## 8: 1941, 1999 ## 9: 4923 ## 10: 3095, 3222 ``` --- # The list length is the same as the number of features (in the first object) -- ```r nrow(roads) ``` ``` ## [1] 21464 ``` -- ```r length(road_pop_index) ``` ``` ## [1] 21464 ``` --- # You can extract pieces like an R list -- ```r # Results for polygon 1 road_pop_index[[1]] ``` ``` ## [1] 6454 6457 6458 6467 6468 ``` -- ```r # Results for polygon 3 road_pop_index[[3]] ``` ``` ## [1] 968 ``` --- # Use `lengths()` to count how many intersections in this case Zero means no intersection --- # For example... -- ```r number_of_intersections <- lengths(road_pop_index) ``` -- ```r head(number_of_intersections) ``` ``` ## [1] 5 1 1 1 1 1 ``` --- # Are there roads that don't intersect the census polygons? -- ```r roads_no_intersect <- filter(roads, number_of_intersections == 0) ``` -- ```r nrow(roads_no_intersect) ``` ``` ## [1] 38 ``` --- # Where are these roads that don't intersect? -- ![:imgcenterscale 65%](images/section-7/bridges.png) --- # If you prefer, you can return dense logical matrix from binary logical operations -- ```r mat <- st_intersects(poly, line, sparse = FALSE) mat ``` ``` ## [,1] ## [1,] TRUE ## [2,] TRUE ## [3,] FALSE ## [4,] TRUE ``` --- # Back to our mini-analysis --- # How might we compute road density in the monitor buffers? --- # Compute the intersection between the roads and buffers -- ```r roads_in_buffer <- st_intersection(monitor_buffers, roads) ``` --- # Map of the roads in the buffers Zoomed in to Manhattan ![:imgcenterscale 35%](images/section-7/buffer_road.png) --- # The resulting geometry is lines and includes attributes from both tables -- ```r roads_in_buffer[,1:8] %>% glimpse() ``` ``` ## Observations: 2,316 ## Variables: 9 ## $ site_id <dbl> 11389, 2496, 6689, 2496, 11389, … ## $ reference <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,… ## $ pm25_annual <dbl> 9.024395, 5.873043, 7.525750, 5.… ## $ Year_Recor <dbl> 2017, 2017, 2017, 2017, 2017, 20… ## $ State_Code <dbl> 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, … ## $ Route_ID <chr> "300258011", "257268011", "25625… ## $ Begin_Poin <dbl> 3.58, 3.10, 1.40, 3.48, 3.60, 1.… ## $ End_Point <dbl> 3.60, 3.20, 1.50, 3.50, 3.70, 1.… ## $ geom <LINESTRING [US_survey_foot]> LINESTRI… ``` --- # So the final step would be to add the road length and sum by site ID -- ```r roads_in_buffer <- roads_in_buffer %>% mutate(length = st_length(geom)) ``` -- ```r monitor_roads <- roads_in_buffer %>% group_by(site_id) %>% summarise(total_roads = sum(length)) %>% st_drop_geometry() ``` --- # Road length/density in the buffers ```r glimpse(monitor_roads) ``` ``` ## Observations: 64 ## Variables: 2 ## $ site_id <dbl> 228, 952, 2269, 2496, 2596, 2818… ## $ total_roads [US_survey_foot] 2772.254 [US_survey_f… ``` --- # Compute distance to the nearest road --- # We could use `st_distance()` ```r dist <- st_distance(monitors, roads) ``` --- # But `st_distance()` computes a matrix of distances from all features to all features -- ```r dim(dist) ``` ``` ## [1] 64 21464 ``` --- # For speedier results you can: -- * Find the nearest road first -- * Then compute the distance to **just this road** --- # First use `st_nearest_feature()` -- ```r feat <- st_nearest_feature(monitors, roads) ``` -- ```r # Index of nearest feature feat ``` ``` ## [1] 6041 13014 9259 17955 11994 4240 12642 18540 20322 3584 10400 ## [12] 9806 13617 8865 7471 2585 10303 12548 3242 16978 19174 18509 ## [23] 7501 7350 3244 15063 19556 3914 17863 5847 8783 18704 3453 ## [34] 18431 1085 10104 7640 5472 21371 4829 81 6201 5720 10504 ## [45] 18125 14457 13931 14542 15712 2354 2444 7390 17884 15208 2341 ## [56] 13927 12453 6955 2316 10638 5805 2340 7142 12690 ``` --- # And then compute the distance from each monitor to its nearest road -- Use the `by_element = TRUE` argument so that the distance is only measured from the 1st monitor to the 1st road, 2nd to 2nd and so on. -- ```r min_dist <- st_distance(monitors, roads[feat,], by_element = TRUE) ``` --- # Create the minimum distance to road table ```r monitor_road_mindist <- monitors %>% mutate(road_mindist = min_dist) %>% select(-pm25_annual, -reference) %>% st_drop_geometry() ``` -- ```r head(monitor_road_mindist) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 x 2 ## site_id road_mindist ## <dbl> [US_survey_foot] ## 1 228 838.19670 ## 2 952 16.11883 ## 3 2269 96.42880 ## 4 2496 125.59963 ## 5 2596 252.24296 ## 6 2818 1250.33448 ``` --- # How would we compute total population? --- # Remember that our census areas are polygons ```r st_geometry(population) %>% plot() ``` ![:imgcenterscale 50%](images/section-7/census_bg.png) --- # Easiest solution would be to simply use the population from the underlying census polygon --- # To do this you can use a "spatial" join with `st_join()` -- ```r st_join(monitors, population) %>% glimpse() ``` ``` ## Observations: 64 ## Variables: 9 ## $ site_id <dbl> 228, 952, 2269, 2496, 2596, 2818… ## $ reference <dbl> 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,… ## $ pm25_annual <dbl> 6.473097, 6.591441, 6.107921, 5.… ## $ geom <POINT [US_survey_foot]> POINT (918300… ## $ GEOID <chr> "360850244013", "360850170083", … ## $ NAME <chr> "Block Group 3, Census Tract 244… ## $ variable <chr> "B01001_001", "B01001_001", "B01… ## $ population <dbl> 2816, 2899, 817, 1733, 1194, 200… ## $ moe <dbl> 544, 587, 135, 326, 311, 243, 31… ``` --- # The default for `st_join()` is to join if they intersect --- # Scientifically there is a problem with this approach, though --- # Census areas vary in size due to population -- Lower population density in an area results in a larger census area -- This means that if you use only the underlying polygon the "population" will be essentially the same wherever you are! --- # A better approach is to use the buffers -- * Sum the population from all census geography in the buffer -- * But do it proportionally by area. In other words, if 10% of a polygon is in the buffer then include 10% of the population --- # Add the full area as a variable to census polygons ```r population <- population %>% mutate(full_area = st_area(geom)) ``` --- # Do the intersection ```r population_buffer <- st_intersection(monitor_buffers, population) ``` --- # The polygons are clipped to the buffers -- <img src="7-geoprocessing_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-94-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Add the new area (since some areas get clipped) ```r population_buffer <- population_buffer %>% mutate(part_area = st_area(geom)) ``` --- # Compute the area proportion and proportional population -- ```r population_buffer <- population_buffer %>% mutate( prop_area = part_area/full_area, buffer_pop = population * prop_area ) ``` --- # Sum the population by buffer ```r monitor_population <- population_buffer %>% group_by(site_id) %>% summarise(population = sum(buffer_pop)) %>% st_drop_geometry() ``` --- class: center, middle, doExercise # open_exercise(7) and do activities 4-10 only --- class: center, middle # Geoprocessing with rasters --- # Lots of great functions for rasters as well! ```r reclassify() extract() calc() crop() mask() trim() overlay() clump() terrain() zonal() focal() layerize() aggregate() ``` --- # Nearly all of these functions return a raster --- # For our analysis we'll introduce `layerize()` and `extract()`, `mask()`, `crop()` and `calc()` --- # First, a few favorite functions that are not part of the analysis --- # For "bonus" functions we will use elevation data ```r elevation <- raster("elevation.tif") ``` --- # Plot elevation ```r plot(elevation) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 100%](images/section-7/elevation.png) --- # Bonus functions: Raster math --- # There are three approaches you can use to recalculate values --- # For simple raster arithmetic For example, convert meters to feet by multiplying by 3.28 -- ```r elevation_feet <- elevation * 3.28 ``` --- # Plot of raster in feet ```r plot(elevation_feet) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 100%](images/section-7/elevation_feet.png) --- # To apply a function `calc()` Can be faster with complex formulas and large datasets -- ```r f <- function(x) {x[x>75 & x<125] <- 1000; return(x)} ``` -- ```r elevation_odd <- calc(elevation, fun = f) ``` --- # Plot odd raster ```r plot(elevation_odd) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 100%](images/section-7/elevation_odd.png) --- # For raster calculations with multiple rasters use `overlay()` For simplicity, I'm cheating and using the same raster twice -- ```r f <- function(x,y){return(x * y)} ``` -- ```r elevation_squared <- overlay(elevation, elevation, fun = f) ``` --- # Plot the overlay result ```r plot(elevation_squared) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 100%](images/section-7/elevation_squared.png) --- # All three approaches can also be applied to a `RasterBrick` or `RasterStack` --- # Bonus functions: `aggregate()` to reduce resolution --- # Elevation layer has nearly 5 million cells ```r ncell(elevation)%>% format(big.mark = ",") # format the number ``` ``` ## [1] "4,952,808" ``` -- ```r # Cells are not square because the raster was projected res(elevation) # meters ``` ``` ## [1] 22.7 30.3 ``` --- # Reduce resolution by factor of 10 -- ```r lowres <- aggregate(elevation, fact = 10, fun = mean) ``` --- # Lower resolution canopy is less than 50 thousand cells ```r ncell(lowres) %>% format(big.mark = ",") ``` ``` ## [1] "49,784" ``` -- ```r res(lowres) ``` ``` ## [1] 227 303 ``` --- # Lower resolution elevation ```r plot(lowres) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 100%](images/section-7/elevation_lowres.png) --- # Note there is also a `disaggregate()` function ```r r <- raster(nrow = 2, ncol = 2, vals = rnorm(4)) ncell(r) ``` ``` ## [1] 4 ``` -- ```r disaggregate(r, fact = 10) %>% ncell() ``` ``` ## [1] 400 ``` --- exclude: true # Conduct zonal calculations --- exclude: true # Neighborhoods ```r neighborhoods <- read_sf("data/nyc/neighborhoods.gpkg") neighborhoods <- st_transform(neighborhoods, crs = crs(elevation)) neighborhoods$id <- 1:nrow(neighborhoods) ``` ```r tm_shape(elevation) + tm_raster() + tm_shape(neighborhoods) + tm_borders() + tm_text("id", size = 0.6) ``` <img src="7-geoprocessing_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-115-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ```r neighborhoods_sp <- as(neighborhoods, "Spatial") ``` --- exclude: true # Create the zones datasets from counties -- exclude: true ```r zones <- rasterize(neighborhoods_sp, elevation, "id") ``` --- exclude: true # Plot the zones ```r plot(zones) ``` <img src="7-geoprocessing_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-118-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- exclude: true # zonal ```r z <- zonal(elevation, zones) %>% data.frame() ``` --- exclude: true # zonal ```r neighborhoods <- inner_join(neighborhoods, z, by = c("id" = "zone")) ``` --- exclude: true # Plot ```r tm_shape(neighborhoods) + tm_polygons("mean") ``` <img src="7-geoprocessing_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-121-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # For our mini-analysis we have two raster-based variables to create -- * Compute the amount of high-intensity, developed land within the buffers -- * Compute the average tree canopy within the buffers --- # Start with computing the proportion of high intensity, developed land within the buffers --- # Here is the land use layer ```r plot(landuse) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 50%](images/section-7/landuse.png) --- # Note that it is a categorical raster --- # The category definitions can be viewed using `levels()` -- This is true because the original raster came with a metadata file (suffix `.tfw`) --- # Take a look at the levels limited to categories with at least one cell -- We're only interested in cells with a value of 24 ```r levels(landuse)[[1]] %>% filter(Count != 0) %>% select(Value, Count, NLCD.2011.Land.Cover.Class) %>% slice(1:10) ``` ``` ## Value Count NLCD.2011.Land.Cover.Class ## 1 0 7854240512 Unclassified ## 2 11 469012527 Open Water ## 3 12 1599206 Perennial Snow/Ice ## 4 21 292251633 Developed, Open Space ## 5 22 131633826 Developed, Low Intensity ## 6 23 59456652 Developed, Medium Intensity ## 7 24 21426522 Developed, High Intensity ## 8 31 110507264 Barren Land ## 9 41 973617734 Deciduous Forest ## 10 42 1037912310 Evergreen Forest ``` --- # In each buffer we will want to count the number of grid cells with a value/code of 24 --- # Perhaps easiest to create a layer with 1 for developed and 0 otherwise --- # There are a couple of options -- * `layerize()` -- * Our friend from before, `calc()` --- # `layerize()` is a magical function --- # Create a binary layer for each category with `layerize()` Creates a `RasterBrick` --- # Apply `layerize()` -- ```r landuse_layers <- layerize(landuse) ``` --- # The result is a raster brick with 16 layers -- ```r class(landuse_layers) ``` ``` ## [1] "RasterBrick" ## attr(,"package") ## [1] "raster" ``` -- ```r nlayers(landuse_layers) ``` ``` ## [1] 16 ``` --- # The names of the layers start with an "X" followed by the value -- ```r names(landuse_layers) ``` ``` ## [1] "X0" "X11" "X21" "X22" "X23" "X24" "X31" "X41" "X42" "X43" "X52" ## [12] "X71" "X81" "X82" "X90" "X95" ``` --- # We can pull out the layer of interest with `subset()` ```r developed <- subset(landuse_layers, "X24") ``` --- # A plot of high-intensity, developed grid cells ```r plot(developed) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 100%](images/section-7/canopy_10.png) --- # `layerize()` works great but is more computation than needed --- # There is a simpler way to assign values of 24 to 1 and others to 0 --- # Use `calc()` -- ```r # Our function f <- function(x){ x[x != 24] <- 0 x[x == 24] <- 1 x } ``` -- ```r developed <- calc(landuse, f) ``` --- # A plot of high-intensity, developed grid cells ```r plot(developed) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 100%](images/section-7/canopy_10.png) --- # We have the raster layer we need... Now we need to sum the cells by buffer --- exclude:true # We can use `extract()` * Apply "zonal" statistics * Extract raw values --- exclude:true # TODO: hollie, when I say "two options" here do you think "not another two options!"? Should I drop zonal statistics? --- exclude:true # Start with zonal statistics --- exclude:true # The `zonal()` function can compute raster summaries by "zone" -- exclude:true ```r # Basic syntax zonal(raster, zone_raster) ``` --- exclude:true # But the zones need to be a raster :( --- exclude:true # Do you remember how to create a raster out of a vector? --- exclude:true # `rasterize()` -- exclude:true ```r # Needs a Spatial* object monitor_buffers_sp <- as(monitor_buffers, "Spatial") ``` -- exclude:true ```r buffer_raster <- rasterize(monitor_buffers_sp, developed, "site_id") ``` --- exclude:true # The buffers as a raster -- exclude:true ```r plot(buffer_raster) ``` <img src="7-geoprocessing_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-138-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- exclude:true # Now we can use `zonal()` to sum the developed layer by buffer --- exclude:true # Apply `zonal()` -- exclude:true ```r developed_buffer <- zonal( developed, buffer_raster, fun = 'sum' ) ``` -- exclude:true ```r head(developed_buffer) ``` ``` ## zone sum ## [1,] 228 31 ## [2,] 952 17 ## [3,] 2269 47 ## [4,] 2496 422 ## [5,] 2596 386 ## [6,] 2818 84 ``` --- exclude:true # `zonal()` works great -- exclude:true But is a bit of a pain! --- # If you have zones as vectors you can use `extract()` --- # `extract()` pulls values from the raster at points or within polygons --- # And `extract()` can use {sf} objects! Though the documentation does not mention this 🤔 --- # `extract()` is particularly easy to apply if you only need the cell value under each point -- ```r extract(developed, monitors) ``` -- ``` ## [1] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 ## [36] 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ``` --- # But we want the total developed land in the buffers (polygons) --- # With polygons `extract()` returns all values in a list by default -- ```r raw_vals <- extract(developed, monitor_buffers) ``` -- ```r raw_vals[[1]][1:5] ``` ``` ## [1] 0 0 0 0 1 ``` ```r raw_vals[[20]][1:5] ``` ``` ## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 ``` --- # You could sum the values yourself or... --- # You can provide a summary function to `extract()` ```r developed_count <- extract( developed, monitor_buffers, fun = sum ) ``` --- # And here is our final result ```r head(developed_count) ``` ``` ## [,1] ## [1,] 31 ## [2,] 17 ## [3,] 47 ## [4,] 422 ## [5,] 386 ## [6,] 84 ``` --- # Add the result to the original buffer file ```r monitor_developed <- monitor_buffers %>% mutate(developed_count = c(developed_count)) %>% select(site_id, developed_count) %>% st_drop_geometry() ``` --- exclude: true # Amount of developed land in the buffers ```r tm_shape(monitor_developed) + tm_polygons("developed_cells") ``` --- # Final computation in our mini-analysis! --- # Average tree canopy in the buffer --- # Tree canopy is a numeric raster ```r canopy <- raster("canopy.tif") ``` --- # Values are percent of tree canopy ```r plot(canopy) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 60%](images/section-7/canopy.png) --- # Before using `extract()` to grab the values --- # The raster extent is bigger than we need ![:imgcenterscale 50%](images/section-7/canopycounties.png) --- # Let's crop and mask so we keep only raster values in the counties --- # `crop()` will clip the raster to the (square) extent of another layer --- # `crop()` the canopy layer to the counties -- ```r cropped <- crop(canopy, counties) ``` --- # Plot the cropped raster ![:imgcenterscale 50%](images/section-7/cropped.png) --- # `mask()` will assign NA to cells outside the polygon layer --- # `mask()` the canopy layer with the counties ```r masked <- mask(cropped, counties) ``` --- # Plot the masked (and cropped) layer ![:imgcenterscale 50%](images/section-7/masked.png) --- # Extract the values for the buffers using a `mean()` function -- ```r canopy_vals <- extract(masked, monitor_buffers, fun = mean, na.rm=TRUE) ``` --- # Create the canopy table ```r monitors_canopy <- monitor_buffers %>% mutate(canopy_avg = c(canopy_vals)) %>% select(site_id, canopy_avg) %>% st_drop_geometry() ``` --- class: center, middle # Results of our mini-analysis --- # We have five result files -- * We calculated road density by intersecting the buffers with the roads with `st_intersection()` and `st_length()` -- * We calculated minimum distance to the nearest road with `st_nearest_feature()` and `st_distance()` -- * We calculated population in the buffer by using `st_intersection()` (poly to poly) and `st_area()` -- * We used `calc()` and `extract()` to calculated developed land in the buffer from a raster -- * We used `extract()` (with some `crop()` and `mask()`) to compute canopy in the raster --- # We can assemble the pieces together ```r monitor_results <- monitors %>% inner_join(monitor_roads, by = "site_id") %>% inner_join(monitor_road_mindist, by = "site_id") %>% inner_join(monitor_population, by = "site_id") %>% inner_join(monitor_developed, by = "site_id") %>% inner_join(monitors_canopy, by = "site_id") ``` --- # Map all our variables in one window -- ```r tm_shape(counties) + tm_polygons()+ tm_shape(monitor_results) + tm_dots(c("pm25_annual", "total_roads", "road_mindist", "population", "developed_count", "canopy_avg"), size = 0.5) ``` --- # Map all our variables in one window ![:imgcenterscale 75%](images/section-7/sixmaps.png) --- # Which variables are most strongly correlated with air pollution? --- # Look at correlation using the {base} function `cor()` --- # Tiny bit of prep -- ```r # Prepare the data results <- monitor_results %>% select(pm25_annual, total_roads, road_mindist, population, developed_count, canopy_avg) %>% st_drop_geometry() ``` --- # Look at correlation using the {base} function `cor()` -- ```r cor(results) %>% round(2) ``` ![:imgcenterscale 100%](images/section-7/cortable.png) --- # Before creating a few scatter plots look at the data once more ```r glimpse(monitor_results) ``` ``` ## Observations: 64 ## Variables: 9 ## $ site_id <dbl> 228, 952, 2269, 2496, 2596, … ## $ reference <dbl> 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0… ## $ pm25_annual <dbl> 6.473097, 6.591441, 6.107921… ## $ geom <POINT [US_survey_foot]> POINT (91… ## $ total_roads [US_survey_foot] 2772.254 [US_surv… ## $ road_mindist [US_survey_foot] 838.19670 [US_sur… ## $ population [1] 2276.8915 [1], 3464.4637 [1], … ## $ developed_count <dbl> 31, 17, 47, 422, 386, 84, 77… ## $ canopy_avg <dbl> 16.88302752, 18.76931949, 34… ``` --- # Since correlation is strongest with `total_roads` let's plot -- ```r library(ggplot2) # Error, not happy with units ggplot(monitor_results, aes(total_roads, pm25_annual)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm") ``` ``` ## Error in Ops.units(x, range[1]): both operands of the expression should be "units" objects ``` <img src="7-geoprocessing_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-166-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Shucks, need to remove units, do you remember how to do this? -- ```r monitor_results <- monitor_results %>% mutate(total_roads = units::drop_units(total_roads)) ``` --- exclude:true # blah ```r is.units <- function(x) any(class(x) %in% 'units') x <- mutate_if(monitor_results, is.units, units::drop_units) ``` --- # Our scatter plot of roads within 500 meters against air pollution ```r ggplot(monitor_results, aes(total_roads, pm25_annual)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm") ``` <img src="7-geoprocessing_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-169-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Amount of high-intensity developed land within 500 meters against air pollution ```r ggplot(monitor_results, aes(developed_count, pm25_annual)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm") ``` <img src="7-geoprocessing_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-170-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Summary of air quality results -- * Air quality strongly related to road density and developed land use -- * Air quality negatively related to minimum distance to the nearest road and tree canopy -- * Air quality modestly related to total population in the buffer --- # Please provide feedback before finishing the exercise <http://rstd.io/ws-survey> <br> <br> <http://bit.ly/zrsaSpatialWorkshopFeedback> --- class: center, middle, doExercise # open_exercise(7) and finish
