Drake Maverick married Renee Michelle today and they had a wonderful ceremony. However, it was crashed by R-Truth and he pinned Drake on his wife’s wedding gown.
After that, Maverick jumped up and ran off to continue his chase of R-Truth and the WWE 24/7 Title. This did not leave his new bride very happy at all.
Renee Michelle tweeted out that she can’t believe that Maverick allowed the 24/7 Title to damage the happiest day in their lives. Now she wants a divorce.
I can’t believe he allowed this to affect our wedding day! He is obsessed. The hell with this 24/7 thing!
This is very funny and 100% kayfabe, but just imagine if it wasn’t and how mad she’d be when she discovered that this was all Drake Maverick’s idea in the first place.
I love pro wrestling and hate BS. These two things drive me. Years of experience in writing, journalism, and digging exclusive insider info for Ringside News. Worked in finance before realizing pro wrestling journalism made much less sense. Pro beachballs at pro wrestling shows, pro dives if someone catches, anti bullies, olives, and pineapples on pizza.