Michael Jerome Williams, Jr. was born in Memphis, Tennessee, as one of Denise Oher’s 12 children.
His mother was an alcoholic with a crack cocaine addiction, and his father, Michael Jerome Williams, was regularly incarcerated. During his childhood, he received minimal attention and discipline. During his first nine years as a student, he repeated first and second grades and attended eleven different schools. He was placed in foster care at the age of seven, and he alternated between living in several foster families and being homeless. Oher’s father was a former cellmate of Denise Oher’s brother and was murdered in jail while Oher was a high school senior.
Oher played football his freshman year at a Memphis public high school. Tony Henderson, an auto technician with whom he was temporarily staying, recommended that he apply for admission to Briarcrest Christian School. Henderson was enrolling his son in the school to fulfill the dying wish of the boy’s grandmother, and he assumed Oher would do the same. Hugh Freeze, the school’s football coach, submitted Oher’s school application to the headmaster, who agreed to accept him if Oher first completed a home study program. He did not complete the program but was admitted after the headmaster found that Oher had been dismissed from the public school system due to his need.
Collins Tuohy is his stepsister, and he has 11 biological siblings: Sean Tuohy Jr., Carlos, Andre, John, Marcus, Deljuan, Rico, Tara, and Denise.